Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

26th December 1722 - 15th December 1737

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Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202050374

Image 374 of 49130th April 1735

Bethlem }

London SsAt a Court holden at the said Hospital of Bridewell
on Wednesday the 30th. day of April 1735

Humphry Parson< no role > 's Esqr .Aldr. President
Robert Alsop< no role > Esqr .Aldn .Treasurer

Mr. Robert Hall< no role > Mr. Philip Scarth< no role > Dr. John Beaufort< no role >
Dr. Richard Rawlinson< no role > Mr. Robert Bishop< no role > Philip Jennings< no role > Esqr .
Charles Hosier< no role > Esqr Mr. William Cooper< no role > Mr. Richd. Bridgman< no role >
Mr. John Stewart< no role > George Wellham< no role > Esqr Richard Buckley< no role > Esqr .
Mr. Allen Webb< no role > Mr. William Brent< no role > Mr. Depty. Hodges
Mr. Deputy BallardMr. John Boyfeild< no role > Mr. John Cook< no role >
Mr. Robert Henshaw< no role > Francis Asty< no role > Esqr .John Lee< no role > Esqr .
Mr. John Watts< no role > Peter Cock< no role > Esqr Thos. Hall< no role > Esqr .
Mr. Henry Goodwin< no role > Mr. John Knapp< no role > Mr. James Bartlett< no role >
Mr. Christopher Oliver< no role > Mr. William Myers< no role > Mr. Dep. Farrington
Mr. Depty. AyloffeRobert Westley< no role > Esqr .Phineas Cheek< no role > Esqr .
Mr. Robert Pycroft< no role >

Pun & dd

RobertsJohn< no role > By Sr. Richard Brocas< no role > being Charged by the
Oath of Hezekiah Hayle< no role > his Master for frequently absenting from his
service without Leave and being a disorderly Apprentice and
Imbezelling some money of small value from Thos. Todain< no role > on his Oath.

Cont to Labor

GambollEdward< no role > By Sr : Richard Brocas< no role > being charged by the
Oath of Jonathan Boyer< no role > his Master , for Imbezelling from him, several
small Sums of money & being a loose idle & a disorderly Apprentice .

Cont to Labor

FieldingJohn< no role > By Sr. Richard Brocas< no role > being charged by the
Oath of Charles Beard< no role > his Master for Imbezelling from him some
money of small value & being a loose idle & a disorderly Apprentice .

Pun & dd

WhiteSamuel< no role > By Sr. Richard Brocas< no role > being charged by the
Oath of William Chapman< no role > for pilferring a peice of Brass of small
Value from off the Coach of William Budd< no role > a Hackney Coachman in
Durham yard Smithfield , and being a disorderly idle Person.

No body appearing agt. him dd

ArmstrongEdward< no role > By Sr . Richard Brocas< no role > being charged by the
Oath of Richard Greyson< no role > for Insulting and abusing him in his house in
a gross manner and for Hawking and Pedling Knifes about the City
of London contrary to the Statute.

Pun & dd

SaundersWilliam< no role > By Sr . Richard Brocas< no role > being charged by the
Oath of Joseph Blew< no role > for Imbezelling from off the keys some Tobacco of
small Value & being a disorderly Person.

Cont to Labor

SkinnerJohn< no role > By Sr. Richard Brocas< no role > being charged by the
Oath of Wm. Watts< no role > his Master for pilferring from out of his Till in
his Shop several small Sums of money & being a disorderly idle Apprentice .

Pun & dd

HaynesJonathan< no role > By Sr. Richard Brocas< no role > being charged by the
Oath of John Minhill< no role > his master for frequently cheating & defrauding
and Imbezelling from him several small Sums of money and being a
disorderly Servant .

Cont to Labor

EmmsJohn< no role > By Sr. Richard Brocas< no role > being charged by the
Oath of Richard Boxley< no role > This name instance is in a workspace. Constable in Cheap Ward for attempting to Pick
a strange Gentlemans Pockett in Cornhill last night, having five
Handkerchiefs found on him and being a loose idle & a disorderly Boy.

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