Friday 13th: June 1735
without Feesdd
GilbertEliza< no role >
By Sr.
Richard Brocas< no role >
being Charged by the
Oath of
Francis Reason< no role >
a Watchman
on Snow Hill
for insulting and
Abusing him last night on his duty in a gross manner and being a loose
idle & a disorderly Comon Stroller & Street Walker.
Pun & dd
MumfordFrances< no role > This name instance is in a workspace.
By Sr
Richard Brocas< no role >
being charged by the
Oath of
Francis Reason< no role >
a Watchman
on Snow hill
London for being
found in an Alley on the said Hill in a very lewd and Indecent Posture
about three of the Clock this Morning which she cou'd not deny when before
the Constable and being disorderly idle Person.
when her husband delivers the Sauce
Pan to bedd
Mary By Sr
Richard Brocas< no role >
being charged by the
Oath of
Miles Beckwith< no role >
for stealing from out of his house a Sauce
Pan of small Value.
Cont to Labor
TyrrellJane< no role >
By Sr.
Richard Brocas< no role >
being charged by the
Oath of
William Powell< no role >
a Watchman
in Fleet Street
London for
Assaulting and Striking him on his duly and abusing him in a gross Manner
and being a disorderly Common Street Walker.
Cont to Labor
DykesHannah< no role >
BoltonEleanor< no role >
BoltonAnne< no role >
By Sr.
Richard Brocas< no role >
being charged by the
Oath of
Samuel Nevill< no role >
of St. Martin
for being found by him Strolling
about the Streets this morning at two of the Clock
and having no Vizable Way of living and giving no
account of themselves and being loose idle and
disorderly Comon Street Walkers.
Cont to Labor
HartAnne< no role >
By Sr.
Richard Brocas< no role >
being charged by the
Oath of
Samuel Nevil< no role >
of Saint Martin Ludgate
London for
being found by him in Fleet street
last Sunday morning picking up
Strange Men and being a disorderly idle Comon Street Walker.
WellsHester< no role >
By Sr
Richard Brocas< no role >
being charged by the
Oath of
James Huthwaite< no role >
for Pilferring from out of his house a Pewter
Quart Pott of small Value.