Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

16th May 1701 - 19th June 1713

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Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202030604

Image 604 of 7483rd August 1710

Empson Wm< no role > . Porter
To Continue undr Suspencon

Also att this Court all the Officers Artsmasters and
servants of the said Hospitals are here Confirmed by this Court
(Except William Empson< no role > porter of the said Hospital of
Bridewell who being lately suspended by this Court for Neglect
of his Duty in the Pformeance of his said office Continues undr
such Suspencon)

Noe Pson Except
[..] Govrs. to be Admitted [..]
into ye. Court Roome or
Hall on Eleccon day
[..] with out leave Etc}

Also at this Court Itt is Ordered That noe person
(except Governors) be admitted into the Court room or Hall wth out
leave of the President Treasurer or one of the Stewards and
that this be a Standing order of this Court to be observed every
Eleccon day.

Govrs. reced their charge

Also at this Court Thomas Medlicote< no role > Esqr . Hugh Smithson< no role >
Esqr . and Nathaneil Manlove< no role > Esqr . reced their Charge as Governors
of these Hospitals.

Duke of Beaufort
Elected Govr.

Also at this Court His Grace the Duke of Beaufort
was Elected a Governor of these Hospitals and reced his State by
the hands of Mr President and did the Presidt. Treasurer and
Governors the Honor to Dine with them

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