Parish of Saint
Clement Danes}
At a Meeting of the Committee Elected and appointed
pursuant to an Act of Parliament intitled "An Act
"to amend and render more effectual several Acts made
"relating to Paveing Cleansing and Lighting the Square
"Streets Lanes and other Places within the City and
"Liberty of Westminster
and parts adjacent" in the Vestry
Room of Saint Clement Danes
the 30th- day of December
PresentMr. Kitchinerin the Chair
Mr. PryorMr. Kennett
Mr. SumnerMr. Jones
Mr. WarcupMr Roberts
Mr. Rainforth
Proposed and agreed that Mr. Kitchiner take the Chair
The Minutes of the last Meeting Read and
The Clerk having laid before this Committee a Bill
amounting to £56..8s..9d due to Thomas Lovett< no role >
& Willm Meredith< no role >
for Repairs done by them in Water Street Worcester Street and
Essex Street
together with this Committees Certificate thereon
Also the Commissioners Order of the 24th- Instant Ordering s [..]
Bill and Certificate to be returned back to this Committee the
being some mistakes therein which being read and the said
Thomas Lovett< no role >
and William Meredith having delivered in a
Bill amounting to £57..8s..11d in the stead of such former Bill
It is Ordered that such Bill amounting to £57..8s..11d be
transmitted to the Commissioners for Payment and for that
purpose three of this Committee signed the same
Mr. Edward Gillyatt< no role >
attending this Committee in pursuance
of this Resolution of the 18th- Instant relative to the borrowing
money upon the Additional Rate of Carey Street
Serle Street
Portugal Street and Milford Lane and having proposed
to lend to this Committee the Sum of Six hundred Pounds
at four and a half per Cent on the Credit of the said Rate
Carey Street
to Commence from the 13th of January next
It is Ordered that this Committee do accordingly borrow the [..]
Six hundred Pounds at the time abovementioned and for that