with fitting Covts: to Oblige the said
John Phelips< no role >
his Execrs: Admors or
Assignes to lay out within the space of two yeares or some reasonable times
the sume of Fifty pounds more of lawfull English money in new building
upon the premisses and all other Covts: & Condicons as are in the said former
Indenture of Lease conteined.
[..] phillips
This Court Ordered That a Lease be forthwth: made to the
John Phelips< no role >
his Execr: Admr: or assignes of the said Bargaines
premisses according to the said Agreemt: and that in Convenient time the
Trustees appointed by his Maties Letters Patents for the Setting & disposing
of the Lands and Tenements belonging to this hospitall be Applied to
for the sealing and Executing the same.
Mr. William
Milman< no role >
Dine £280
And whereas It appeares by the report of the Comittee
att a meeting thereof in the hospitall hall ye: 18th: day of March anno Dui
1686 upon a Treaty then had by the said Comittee wth:
Willm Wilman< no role >
of the
[..] ler Temple London Sent concerning a Lease to be made to him the said
Willm Wilman< no role >
or to his Executrs: Admors or Assignes of all those the scites
of the Mannrs: of Combgrove
& Fanscombe
wch: the appts scituate lying &
being in the parishes of hastingleigh Wye Crondall in the County of
belonging to this Hospitall & holden thereof by virtue of an Indr: of has thereof now inspected bearing
date of 17th: day of February Anno Dui 1653 made by the then Governours
of the possessions revenews & goods of tho Hospitall to
Thomas player< no role >
then Esquire afterwards Knight for a Terme not yett Expired The Temts:
right of Wch: is now Come unto & vested in the said Willm Milman The Comittee
then Came to the following agreemt: with the said Willm Milman Concerning
the prmisses (to wit/that he the said Willm Milman his Execr: Administr
or assignes shall pay into the hands of the Trear or Clerk of this
Hospitall for the time being for the use of this hospitall the sume of Two
hundred and Eighty pounds at or before the end of Easter Terme next comeing
for a lease agreed to be made in Convenient time afterwards by Indenture
to him the said
Willm Wilman< no role >
or his Executr: Admors or Assignes
of the premisses (Except as in the before menconed Indenture by wr:
the same are now holden is Excepted) for a Terme of One and Twenty
yeares to Comence at the Expiracon of the said former terme at and oud
the life rent of £50: per Ann: asis reserved in and by the said Former Indr:
of Lease and all other Covenants and Condicons (Mutatis Mutandis) as
are in the said Former Indenture of Lease conteined
Mr. Willm
Milman< no role >
This Court Ordered That a Lease be Forthwth: made to the
Willm Milman< no role >
his Executors Adminrs: or Assigned of the said bargained
premisses according to the said Agreemt: and that in conveinent time the
Trustees appointed b
[..] Martis Letters patients
[..] setting& disposing
of the Lands & Tenements belonging
to this hospitall be applied to for the sealing and Executing the same
Mr: Wm: Yardley< no role >
Grant etc
And whereas It appeares by the report of the Comittee att a
meeting thereof in the Hospitall hall the day and yeare last before menco-
-ned upon a Treaty then had by the said Comittee wch:
Willm Yardly< no role >
a new Lease to be made to him the said
Willm Yardley< no role >
or to his Executr admors