Ann: Brett
fyne £70:
Ann: Brett< no role >
alsoe then had wth: Mr: Ann Brett< no role >
concerningnew lease
to be made to her the said Ann Brett< no role >
or to her Execurs: Admors as Assignes
of a messuage tenemt: or Inn with the appts: Comonly called the White
horse or the Cock in Parndon and all the lands meadowes pastures
Comodities and Appurtences whatsoever thereunto belonging used or
enjoied scituate lying and being in Much Parndon in the County of Essex
belonging to this Hospitall and holden thereof by Virtue of an Indentr:
of lease thereof now inspected bearing date his 20th day of Augst: Anno Dui
1666 made by the then Governours of the possions revenews and goods
of this Hospitall to Nicholas Brett< no role >
her late husbd: deced for a terme not yett
Expired the Estate & Interest whereof is lately come unto & Vested in the said
Ann Brett< no role >
The Comittee came to the following Agreemt: with the said
Ann Brett< no role >
concerning the prmisses (to witt) That the said Ann Brett< no role >
Execux admors or assignes shall pay into the hands of the Trear or Clerke
of this Hospitall for the time being for the use of the said Hospitall the
sume of Seaventy pounds at or before the first day of Novembr: next
ensueing for a lease agreed to be made in convenient time afterwards
by Indr: to her the said Ann Brett< no role >
or to her Execrs: admr or Assignes of
the premisses (Except as in the before menconed Indr by which the same
are now holden is Excepted) for a terme of 21 yeares to Comence from
the feast day of St: Michaell The archangell
which shal be in the yeare
of our Lord 1688 att and under the like rt: of £7: P ann as is reserved
in and by the said former Indr: of Lease and all other Covts & Condicons
(Mutatis Mutandis) as are in the said former Indr of Lease conteined
Ann Brett< no role >
This Court Ordered that a lease be forthwth: made to the
Ann Brett< no role >
her Execurs: or Admors of the said bargained prmisses
according to the said Agreemt: and that in Convenient time the Trustees
appointed by this Maties Letters Patents for the letting and disposing
of the Lands and tenemts: belonging to this Hospitall be applied to
for the sealing and Executeing the same
John Booth< no role >
a new lease of a peice of
ground in South mead
in the
pish of Denham
in the
County of Bucks
Fyne: £20
Alsoe whereas it appeares by the report of the said Comittee
that at a meeting thereof in the Hospitall Hall the 25th: day of Augst:
1687 upon a Treaty also then had with John Booth< no role >
concerning a lease
to be made to him the said John Booth< no role >
or to his Execurs: admrs: or
Assignes of all that close of pasture ground called Checked conteining
foure acres more or less lying and being in Southmead in the parish
of Denham
in the County of Bucks belonging to this Hospitall and
holden thereof by virtue of an Indr: of Lease thereof now inspected bearing
date the 26th: day of Aprill Anno Dui 1667 made by the then Governrs: of the
Possions revenews and Foods of this Hospitall to the said Jno: Booth< no role >
concerning the premisses (to witt) That he the said John Booth< no role >
Execurs: Admors or Assignes shall pay into the hands of the Trear or Clerke
of this Hospitall for the time being for the use of the said Hospitall
the sume of Twenty pounds at or before the 21st day of Decembr next
ensueing for a lease agreed to be made in Convenient time afterwards
by Indr. to him the said Jon. Booth< no role >
or to his Execrs: Admors or Assignes of ye