The report of the Comittee of their proceedings Since the last [..]
read and is as followeth.
To the Rt. Worpll: the General Court of St. Thomas
Wee the Comittee appointed by the said Court do hereby Certify
That wee have made the Several Contracts and agreements
for Leases to be made and granted of Severall houses as hereundr.
is menconed (Vizt.)
Rich. Hudsons
It is Agreed That a Lease bee made to
Richard Hudson< no role >
of a Tenemt
he lives in Scituate in Leadenhall Streete
Valued at Twenty pounds
P Anm ground rent inclued for the terme of Twenty one years
from Lady day 1695 when the present Lease thereof Expires, att
the Old rent of Five pounds and for a Fine of One hundred pounds,
Vizt. £50: in hand to be paid before Sealing the Lease and the other
£50: residue att Lady day next
Hen: Pyke< no role >
And that a Lease bee made to
Henry Pike< no role >
of a Tenement
hee lives in Scituate in Leadenhall Streete
Valued at Twenty pounds
P Ann ground rent included for the Terme of Twenty one years
from Lady day 1695. When the present Lease thereof Expires, att the
Old rent of Five pounds, and for a Fine of One hundred pounds Vizt.: £50
in hand to be paid before Sealing the Lease and the other £50: residue
att Lady day next
Tho: Strong< no role >
late Wm Cheny< no role >
& Mary Clarke< no role >
vide two folio's
Backwards to
be in Lease
with yt late
Locks Etc
Whereas therefore two Small Tenements in the Pish of St. Thomas
held by
Mary Clarke< no role >
Wm- Cheney< no role >
as Tenants
att Will the
One att Fifty Shillings P Ann and the other att Three pounds and five
Shillings P Ann And the Tenants are falne into great decay and they not
able to pay rent and take Leases and repaire them; Wee have therefore
treated and agreed with Thomas Stronge Our Tenant of Some adjoining
Tenements which he is part repairing and part new building, and of
which hee lately had a grant of this Court for a new Lease for the terme
of Thirty one years from Lady day next att the rent of Six pounds and
twelve shillings P Ann and a Fine of Fifty pounds, That the said two
Tenements in the tenures of the said
Mary Clarke< no role >
Wm-Cheney< no role >
added to and incerted in the Lease before granted to the said
Strong< no role >
inconsideracon of the further Fine of tenn pounds, and Three pounds
Eight Shillings increase of rent so that the rent reserved on the said Lease
shall bee Term pounds P Ann.
Cha: Frost< no role >
And that a Lease be made to
Charles Frost< no role >
our Tennant
of a Tenemt:
in the said Pish of St. Thomas Southwarke
in the tenure of widow Pantall
Valued at Eleaven pounds P Ann the ground rent of Fifty five shillings P
Ann included for the Terme of Twenty one years from Lady day 1695: when
the present Lease Expires inconsideracon of a Fine of Fifty four pounds and
under the said Old rent of Fifty Five Shillings
Cha: Frost< no role >
And that another Lease be made to the said
Charles Frost< no role >
of another
Tenement in the said Parish of St: Thomas Southwarke
in the tenure
ofVirginHatmaker valued at Six Pounds P Ann the ground
rent of Forty four shillings P Ann included for the terme of twenty
and one yeares from midsomer 1695. when the present Lease Expires
inconsideracon of a Fine of Twenty Six Pounds and under the said-
old rent of Forty four shillings
And that the said Two Fines bee paid One halfe att Michas next
and the other halfe att Lady day next.