To His Majestys Justices of the
for the County of Middlesex
The Report of the Committee appointed to inquire
into state to the Court any Abuse or Abuses which
Might appear to have been committed by any Justice
or Justices of the peace
for this County and also to
inquire into the Conduct of the Keeper of the New prison
[..] House of Correction Clerkenwell
Wm. Mainwaring< no role >
Esqr. Chairman
Saml Glass< no role >
Richard Taylor< no role >
Esqr. Thomas Gordon< no role >
Nathaniel Conant< no role >
Esqr. John Barnfather< no role >
Your said Committee Report
That in pursuance of the Order of Reference
made to them on the County Day of the last Session
directing them to inquire into & State to ye Court any Abuse
or Abuse which might often to have been committed
by any Justice or Justices of the peace for this
County [..] to inquire into ye Conduct of the Keeper