the Justices of our said Lord the King assigned in form aforesaid to answer to
our said Lord the King of and concerning the premises in the Indictment
aforesaid above specified and thereupon at the same Session of the peace holden
at the Session House aforesaid on the said Monday the fifth day of July in the
Year aforesaid before the said Justices of our said Lord the King abovenamed and
others their Fellows Justices aforesaid Cometh the said Arthur Covinton< no role >
in his own
proper Person and having heard the said Indictment Read Saith that He is
Not Guilty thereof and of this he putteth himself upon the Country Etc And Henry
Collingwood Selby< no role >
Esquire Clerk of the Peace
of the County aforesaid Who prosecuteth
for our said Lord the King in this behalf doth the like Etc Therefore the Sheriff of
the said County of Middlesex
is Commanded that he do not omit by reason of any
Liberty in his Bailiwick but that he cause to come before the Justices of our said
Lord the King assigned in form aforesaid at the next General Session of the Peace
to be holden for the said County Twelve good and lawful Men of the Neighbourhood
of Enfield in the said County each of whom hath Ten Pounds by the Year at least of
Lands Tenements or Rents by whom the truth of the matter may be better known
and inquired into and who are of no Affinity to the said Arthur Covinton< no role >
Recognize upon their Oath whether the said Arthur Covinton< no role >
be Guilty of the
Premises in the Indictment aforesaid above abovespecified or not because as well the said
Henry Collingwood Selby Esquire who Prosecuteth for our said Lord the King in this
behalf as the said Arthur Covinton< no role >
have put themselves upon that Jury the same
day is given as well to the said Henry Collingwood Selby Esquire who Prosecutes Etc
as to the said Arthur Covinton Etc At which said next General Session of the
Peace to wit The General Session of the Peace of our Lord the King holden in and
for the County of Middlesex
at the Session House for the said County of Monday
the Thirteenth day of September in the Thirtieth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign
Lord George the third King of Great Britain Etc Before William Mainwaring< no role >
William Bleamire< no role >
, Nathaniel Conant< no role >
, David Walker< no role >
and others their
fellows Justices of our said Lord the King assigned to keep the Peace in the
County aforesaid and also to hear and determine divers Felonies Trespasses
and other Misdemeanours committed in the same County Come as well
the said Henry Collingwood Selby Esquire who prosecuteth for our said Lord
the King in this behalf as the said Arthur Covinton in his own proper