had not power to punish then [..] a Case
to that Effect Justice said to Witness that his
Steps did him Horam. Witness asked why he undid
what he had done Mr. Brofleed That Mr. Triquet
had served him a dirty Fruit & that became from
Bath to show Triquet & Witness that he could
undo more in one day then they could do in 6
Monthly Witness said ha did not do himself
paid it Mr. Blackborough replied you do not
know any thing about Templation saying the
Men ats the punch Bowl had sent him a
Letter that would malt the Heart of a Stone
having 5.gs inclosed said another had sent a
Tashard Value 8£. Churchwarden said that might
be a Templation his Worship could not resist.
That Witness found two Men fighting Vizt. Robins Thomas
in the night time that he parted them [..] his return found them a
fighting again that he took put then both in how
prison in the Moors brot them. before Mr. Triquet
thinks they were sent down to the prison for want
of Surety Gardly informed Witness that Mr. B wanted
to Spech to him Mr. B & Mrs. Clerken were present
Mr. Bastard by what Authority they sent them
to Goal said did his peril he [..] sent psons to
Goal as he had a place to put them witness Say he
that. it was of that sends two fighting Men to the