Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

April 1760

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS504820072

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To the Worshipful his Majesties Justices of the Peace
for the County of Middlesex in their General Quarter
Sessions of the Peace to be held by Adjournment at
Hicks's Hall in and for the said County on Tuesday
the fifteenth day of April 1760 Assembled.

The Humble petition and Appeal of William Steers< no role >
of the Parish of Saint Leonard Shoreditch in the said
County Weaver


That you Appellant was on the twentieth day of March
Last taken upon a Warrant for Praying Purleined or Embezled
Silk and that your Appellant was the next day thereupon
Carried before Thomas-Quarrill< no role > Esqr. and Thomas Smith< no role >
Esquire two of his Majesties Justices of the Peace for the said
County and tho' your Appellant was Intirely Innocent of
the said fact the said two Magistrates Convicted your Appellt.
of the said Offence and Committed your Appellt. to Clerkenwell
Bridewell to Hard Labour for three Months because your
Appellt. did not pay the sum of Forty Pounds being as your
Appellt. was then Informed by the said two Magistrates this
Penalty in the Act of Parliament for a Second Offence of that
Nature and in which Prison your Appellt. was detained untill
the twenty eighth of the said Month of March when your-
Appellant was Discharged on putting in Sureties before the
Right Honble Lord Mansfield to Prosecute this present Appell [..]

That your Appellant is Advice he is unlawfully
Improperly and upon in sufficient or rather upon no Evidence
Convicted in the said Matter being upon the supposed Oath of a person Called in the Warrant of your Appellt. said Commitment by the Name of James Hancock< no role > Because no Evidence was Examined
by or before the said two Justices to Prove the Charge with Certainty
against your Appellant in the Presence or hearing of your
Appeallant and which by the Law of this Land should have been
done and which your Appellant then Insisted on but your
Appellt. was then Informed by the said two Magistrate that it
was Unnecessary for that the said Hancock had some time

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