Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

April 1760

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS504820073

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before given an Information of the same so that your Appellant was Convicted
on Exparts Evidence or rather without [..] Evidence Contrary to the known
Rules of Law and Justice without ever having an Oppertunity of
asking his Supposed Accuser Hancock those Questions which might have
Manifested the Innocence of your Appellant or Impoached the
Credibility of said Hancock neither was the said Hancock ever
produced to or Showed your Appellant at the time of the said
Conviction and that all the vive voce Evidence given in your
Appellants presence or hearing at the time of your Appellt.
said supposed Conviction being as to the Fact nothing but
what [..] one Francis Frauncillon< no role > (who then Appeared as the
Prosecutor in the above Matter) had heard the said Hancock
say to him the said Frauncillon Concerning the same And
your Appellt. has been Credibly Informed that the said
Hancock never made any Information upon Oath against
your appellt. so much as to Ground the Warrant on which-
your Appellant was so taken

That your Appellant was thus Convicted upon
an Act of the 22d. Year of his present Majesty Intituled
"An Act for the more Effectual preventing of Frauds and Abuses-
Committed by Persons employed in the Manufacture of Hatts
and in the Linnen Woollon Fustian Cotton Iron Leather Furr-
Hemp Flax Mohair and Silk Manufactures and forthe
[..] Preventing unlawfull Combinations-
of Journeymen Dyers and Journeymen Hot Prossers and of
all Persons employed in the said Several Manufactures and
for the better Payment of their Wages" which makes the
Penalty of the said Offence for a first time to be Twenty Pounds
and in Case of Non payment the Offender is to be Committed
to the House of Correction to Hard Labour and to be once or
oftner Publickly Whipped and in Case of a Conviction for a

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