Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

April 1760

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS504820052

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To the Worshipfull Thomas Lane< no role > Esqr . One of His
Majestys Justices of the Peace for the County of
Middlesex and others his Fellows Justices Etc.

The Humble Petition of John White< no role >
an Apprentice


That Your Petitioner was by Indenture of
apprenticeship bearing date the 8th. day of
August 1757 bound to One John Inall< no role > late of the
Parish of St. Luke in the County of Middlesex
Jeweller for the Term of Seven Years And Your
Petitioners Master Ten Pounds as a Consideration
And also a Bond to find Your Petitioner in Cloaths
mending and Washing during the said Term

That when Your Petitioner had Served about a
year of his Time his Master was Arrested and Confined
in the Fleet Prison for near a Year and afterwards got the
Rules of the Fleet and is at this present time a Prisoner where
Your Petitioner Worked for his said Master during all the said Time

That Your Peticoner was about five Weeks ago [..] taken very ill of a
Feaver and the House keeper took no manner of care of Your Petitioner and
during his illness left Your Petitioner for Two days without any
Sustenance And the House Keeper then said to Your peticoner
Your Master was then in the Parlour has Ordered me to give
[..] you three Farthings for Your Petitioners Support and said
She was Ordered by his Master to Acquaint Your Petitioner that
he must go to his Brother Edmund White< no role > for his Master
would not provide for him on any Account whatsoever as he
was Sick And accordingly he went to his Brother who got him
into Bartholomews Hospital And is now an out Patient
being very Sick at this time

That during all the time he has Served his said
Master he has used Your Peticoner very ill and
frequently in Liquour for affortnight together
by which means was not capable to give Your
Peticoner proper Instruccons to learn him his

Your Peticoner therefore most
humbly prays Your Worships
taking the premes into Consideracon
That You will be pleased to Discharge
Your Petr from his sd. Master or
otherwise as to Your Worships shall
seem meet

And Yor. Petr. as in Duty bound shall ever pray

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