At the General Session of the Peace holden for the
County of Middlesex
by Adjournment at Hicks Hall in
Saint John Street
in the County aforesaid on Friday the
twenty Nineth day of February in the thirty third year of
the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second King of
Great Britain Etc before
Thomas Lane< no role >
Hammond< no role >
Saunders Welch< no role >
Ralph Hodgson< no role > This name instance is in set 3684.
Others their Fellow Justices of one said Lord the King
Assigned to keep the Peace in the County aforesaid And also
to hear and determine diverse Felonies Trespasses and
other Misdeeds committed in the same County
Whereas the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of
Tarring in the County of Sussex
did at the last General Quarter Session of
the Peace holden for this County on Monday the Fourteenth day of January last
Exhibit their petition and Appeal setting forth That by Virtue of a pass Warrant
under the Hand and Seal of John Home< no role >
Esquire One of His Majestys Justices
of the peace for the City and Liberty of Westminster
in the County of Middlesex
bearing date the twenty first day of November One thousand Seven Hundred
and fifty Nine Mary Jefferys< no role >
Widow apprehended in the parish of Saint
in the City of Westminster
in the said County of Middlesex
as a
Rogue and Vagabond was Conveyed from the said Parish of saint Margaret
to the said parish of Tarring
as the place of her last legall Settlement
whereby the petitioners conceived themselves Aggreived which said petition
was by the Court duly adjourned and appointed to be heard on this Day
Now upon hearing of what was Alledged by Mr. Serjeant Hayward being of
Councill with the Appellants And also of Mr. Stow of Council for the Respondts.
It is Ordered by and with the Consent of the Council for both the said parties
that the Appeal stand dismissed unless the parish of Tarring
shall the
first day of the next Session will and sufficiently indemnify the said parish
of Saint Margarets Westminster
against any Damages or Costs that
may arise to the parish of Saint Margaret on Account of the Settlement of
of the said Mary Jefferys< no role >
And in Case the said parish of Farring shall
by the said first day of next Session in demnifye the said parish of Saint
in manner aforesaid Then it is further
Ordered and with such Consent as aforesaid that the said Vagrant Pass
be Quashed.
By the Court.