33d. Geo 3d.
St. Matthew Bethnal Green
St. Leonard Shoreditch
same County
relating to the Settlement of Ann Waters< no role >
That Thomas Waters< no role >
now deceased being Settled in the
parish of St. Matthew
Bethnal Green
about twelve year
ago, afterwards took a Messuage or Tenement in the parish
of St. Leonard Shoreditch
at four pounds year And that he Ento
into and Continued in the possession thereof several Years [..]
during such his Residence in the said Messuag or Tenemt,
he the said Thomas Waters< no role >
was Assessed and Taxed by the
Assessors of the Land Tax there in proportion to his said
Rent for the Land Tax due in respect of his Occupying the said
Premisses and paid the said Tax or Assessmt. during the said
his Occupying and Residence in the said Messuage or Tenement
to the Collector of the Land Tax in the said parish of St. Leonard
And that afterwards he was Allowed the said Tax or
Assessmt: by his Land lord on his Settling his Account with him
for the Rent of the said House And that the said Thomas
Waters< no role >
never gained any Settlement in any parish since
That Ann Waters< no role >
the Widow
of the said Thomas Waters< no role >
is become
poor and hath not gained any Settlemt: since the Death of
her said Husband.
Jno. Aylett Stow< no role >