To the Rt. Worspll. his Majties. Justices of the Peace
the County of Middlesex
The Humble peticon and Appeale
of the Churchwardens and Overseers
of the poor of the parish of Tottenham
High Cross
- in the said County
That by Warrant or Order under the Hands
and Seals of W. Hanton and R. Tothill Esqrs two of his
Majties. Justices of the Peace for the said County of Middlesex
(one being of the Quorum) bearing Date the sixteenth Day of
[..] One thousand seven Hundred and three
Anne Bouts< no role >
aged abt. ten years and
Sarah Bouts< no role >
aged about
four years, (said to be the Daughters of
Richard Bouts< no role >
of the parish of Tottenham High Cross
were removed and passed from the parish of Hornsey
in this
County to the said parish of Tottenham High Cross
- as the
place of the
[..] last legal Settlement of the said
Bouts< no role >
That yor. Petrs. think themselves aggrived by the said
Warrant or Order of the said two Justices And doe Appeale
to this Court agt. the same
Yor. Petrs. therefore most humbly pray
this Court would be pleased to appoint a
Day in this present Sessions for the Church
wardens and Overseers of the poor of the
said parish of Hornsey
to attend this
Honble Court to hear and abide the
Judgment and Determinacon of this Co [..]
touching the sd Appeale
And Yor. Petrs. shall pray and so forth
Thomas Tredwell< no role >
} Church
Zach. Mason< no role >