To the Right Worpl. their Maties Justices of the Peace
for the County of Middx The humble Peticon of George Howard< no role >
That is some time past yor Petr. became Apprentice to Willm Peirce< no role >
the parish of St. Gile Cripplegate
in the sd County Weaver
for the terme of
Seven, yeares As by the Sd. Indenture of Apprentishipp may appeare.
That the Sd. Wm. Peirce< no role >
is now a Prisonr. in the Kings Bench
Soe that he is not
capeable of providing for yor. Petr. us he ought to doe whereby yor Petr.
hath for these 12 weekes past undergone great hazards for want of necessarys
and doth humbly conceive himselfe not lyable to serve the remaindr. of his
Apprntshipp with the sd. Wm. Peirce< no role >
but is willing if Yor. Worpps thinke fir
to nominate another Master to serve the remaindr. of his sd. Apprntshipp.
Yor Petr. therefore most humbly prey
yor. Worpp to be pleased to grant that be
way be discharged from the sd. Apprntishipp
And yor. Pet. Shall over Pray etc.