To the Rtt Worpll: their Majties: Justices [..] the Peace for the County of Middle
The Humble Peticon of David Lewis< no role >
of London
That Your Petitionr: did sometime since Intermarry with Eliz: Norgrave< no role >
daughter of Eliz:
Bentham< no role >
of St: Margretts Westmr
: Widdow
That your petitioners: said wife Soone after dyed and left five
Fatherless Children whome she had by her former husband That Your Petitioner has hither to
Provided for them butt finding a decay of trade and being kept out of a Considerable some of Money
by the Said Eliz. Bentham< no role >
due to him in the Right of his Said Wife and haveing been at great Expence
in Law for recovery thereof is no longer able & maintaine the Said Children And hath therefore
often times applyed himselfe to the Said Eliz: Bentham< no role >
their grandmother to take Care of their
and the Rather for that She not onely keeps your Peticonr: out of his Just Right butt hath
alsoe & a Considerable Reall and personall Estate of her owme. Notwithstanding all which She
absolutely refuses not onely to provide for them butt alsoe to allow any thing towards Soe
great a Charge
Your Peticonr: the before most humbley prayes Your Worpps
will be pleased to grant your Warrt: to bring her before your
Worpps that She hevy be Courpelled to take Care of the Said
Children or give pash allowance towards the same as to
Your Worpps shall Seeme Meet.
And her Shall ever Pray Etc.