Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

April 1691

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS500100077

Image 77 of 14225th April 1691

To the Honorable theire Mats Justices of
the Peace For ye County of Midlesex at
Hickes Hall assembled Ye 25th. of Appeall
1691 .

The Humble peticon of Eliabeth Johnson< no role >

Humbly Sheweth that Whereas your Honars poore
Peticonr was bound over before Justice Hastings
uppon a Warrtt. of the Peace and haveing noe
Son agt her to prosecute Etc.

The Premisses Lenderly considered your Honar.
poore peticonr Humbly craver tye Lycenee
of this Honorable bench. that Shall may [..]
called and released She being great [..]
and neare downe living and not in capacity
to attend & yor peticonr as in duty bound
will ever pray Etc.

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