To the Right Worll. their Maties. Justices of ye
Peace now Sitting, in & for their County of Middx,
The humble Peticon of John Read< no role >
of Goswell Street
in this County.
and Elizabeth< no role >
his wife
Humbly Sheweth.
That whereas Peter Ayres< no role >
(& Inhabitant in
in ye parish of St
Mary White chappelling
county aforsd) about August 1689 went to ye Canaryes
. & in
his voyage homewards on or about the 9th. of May last
direct sea. Levering behind him
Susan< no role >
his wife
wth. peter< no role >
& Susan< no role >
his Children wth. Said Susan ye. Mother Dyed
on the 19th. of July
following but in ye time of her Subnesse (of wth She died) Sent for yor,
Peticoner Elizabeth (bring her own Sister per Aunt to ye sd Peter & Susan ye Children)
& Dereard her that She & her husband would take care of her poor Father lesse Children
after her death. And further for that your poor peticoner (not wthstanding
they have four small Children of their own & nothing to support them but which
they gett by Day labour) have put their said Neeve forth to practice & gott their
into Christ Hospitall
at their own Charge, thereby freeing the said p [..]
& from ye Same
Now so it is & for that the charpt exceeding of Wapping Preicent (where [..]
Susan ye Mother Died) have not onely possessed themselves of what goods ye said Susan
at her death. but likewise have received £9.9s.9d in moneye for the wages & [..]
the sd Peter Ayres< no role >
the Father, & do now utterly refuse to reimburse your poore
peticonary or make then any reasonable sattisfaction for all the great expence
charge & losse of tyme they have been at, & were necessarily put [..] in & about ye
setting & pleasing the said Children forth in manner at aforesd
They therefore humbly beseech yor. Worpps Order. thereby to compell the Sd
Churchwardens to make your Peticonable [..] sattisfacon (out of ye sd £9.9s.9d
so reversed by them as aforesaid) for such their Expences houble as aforesaid
to grant then someother releife in the prisley as to the honble Court
shall Seame meet,
And yor peticoner (as in duty bound) Esill
Eber Pray [..] .