September 1784
Receipts and Disbursements of that office being tendered to the Court
as also a Letter from the Clerk of the Peace for Cheshire respecting the
Conveyance of Irish Vagrants It is Ordered that the consideration of
the said Report and Letter be adjourned for want of time until the County
day of the next Session to be holden for this County.
By adjournment same day
Wm. Watherston< no role >
continued Baker
the prisons.}
It is ordered that
William Watherston< no role >
be employed to serve
the Prisoners in New Prison
at Clerkenwell
and the House of Correction
there with Bread until the County day of the now next Session.
By adjournment same day
The Chairman &
several other
Magistrates nomi-
nated of whom 3 or more
are appointed a
Committee to examine
Accounts of the
Treasurer of the
County & to Audit
all Demands on
the County previous
to the paymt. thereof}
It is ordered by this Court that Mr. Chairman of the Sessions
Joseph Faikney< no role >
Joseph Girdler< no role >
Jacob Leroux< no role >
, Richard Heaviside and
William Bleamire< no role >
or any other of his Majestys Justices of
the peace acting in and for the County of Middlesex
or any three or
more of them be and they are hereby appointed a Committee to examine
and adjust from time to time the account or accounts of the Treasurer
of this County as well with respect to his Receipts as his Expenditures
and also to examine and audit all demands of what nature or kind
soever made of this County previous to the Payment thereof, and that
no demand shall be liquidated unless first reported by the said Committee
and allowed by the Court and it is further ordered that the said Committee
do meet on the Friday before the County day of each Session and that the
report of the said Committee be delivered to the Chairman on the
Monday following.