Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

12th January 1784 - 10th September 1789

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO556090047

Image 47 of 54225th May 1784

May 1784


"To Build and compleat that part of the Design
that cannot be carried into Execution till the Quakers
Buildings and the Old Bridewell Etc are taken down,
containing the West Prisons marked 2 and 4 intended for
the Females together with the Infirmary belonging thereto
the Chapel Governours House front Entrance and the
Enclosing three other Courts will amount to the Sum of}£8226..-..-
"In all £14,939..-..-

"N.B. In these Estimates no allowance is made for the Old
"Materials, as the best way will be to dispose of them in parts by a
"Publick Bidding, after the Lead and Iron are taken away

"J. Leroux Architect
"Great Russell Sht Bloomsby

All which the Committee Submit Etc Etc Etc
G. Allcock Chairman

Report received

A Motion was made that the said Report be received
and the same was agreed to unanimously

Resolution that the
above report & the Plans
annexed be deposited in
the office of the Clerk of
the peace for the perusal
and Inspection of ye Justice,
and that notice thereof
be given by Letter and

A Motion was now made that the said Report and
the Plans there unto annexed be deposited in the Office of the Clerk
of the Peace for the perusal and Inspection of His Majestys Justices
of the peace for this County and that the same be taken into
Consideration on the County day of the now next Session of the peace
to be holden for this County and that immediate notice thereof be given
to His Majestys Justices of the peace acting in and for this County by
Letter as also by advertisemt. in three of the publick News papers
published within the Bills of Mortality.

By adjournment same day

A Petition from Mr. John Harwood< no role > Governor of the House of
Correction at Clerkenwell being presented to this Court and read
of which the following is a Copy.

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