Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

12th January 1784 - 10th September 1789

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO556090068

Image 68 of 54216th September 1784

October 1784


At the General Quarter Session of the Peace of our Lord
the King holden in and for the County of Middlesex
at the Session house for the said County by adjournment
on Thursday the Twenty first day of October in the
twenty fourth year of the reign of our Sovereign
Lord George the third King of Great Britain Etc
Before William Mainwaring< no role > Esquire , Sir Francis
Willes, Sir James Esdaile< no role > , Sir Sampson Wright< no role > Knight
Samuel Glasse< no role > , Herbert Mayo< no role > Doctors in Divinity ;
Husband Messister< no role > Doctor of Physick ; William Coleman< no role >
Jacob Leroux< no role > , Nicholas Forster< no role > , David Wilmot< no role > , Jeremiah
< no role > , Thomas Gordon< no role > , Charles Sheppard< no role > , Edward
Gray, John Barnfather< no role > , Samuel Hawley< no role > , William
Blackborow, George Mercer< no role > , Edward Burnaby Greene< no role >
Joseph Girdler< no role > , Thomas Cogan< no role > , Joseph Faikney< no role > , William
Blackmore, James Croft< no role > , William Bleamire< no role > , William
Hyde, William Kitchiner< no role > , Robert Smith< no role > , Thomas
Tryon Cotton
< no role > , David Walker< no role > , Thomas Brooksbank< no role > ,
William Quarrill< no role > , John Staples< no role > , Jenkin Jones< no role > , William
< no role > , Thomas Parker< no role > , John Woodham< no role > Esquires
and Richard Neate< no role > Clerk

Mr. Chairman having given a chronological account of
the proceedings of Sessions from October Session 1782 to the present
time in respect to the erection of a new House of Correction for this
County and recommending to the Court to proceed in the premisses.

Moved That a
Committee be appointed
to examine the designs
already made for a
house of Correction to
direct other plans to
be laid before them

A motion was made That a Committee be appointed to examine
the designs already made for a house of Correction or direct other
plan or plans to be laid before them; and that they be desired to
investigate the same against the next County day and that they
have power to call in such professional or other Gentlemen to assist
in elucidating the same, as they may think necessary.

Before the question was put on the above Motion It was
moved that the word or after the words "House of Correction" in
the said motion stand part of the motion; this being carried in
the negative A Motion was made by way of amendment that the
word and be inserted in the above motion in the place of the word
or [..] o left out as aforesaid this was agreed to.

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