September 1784
inadequate to the purpose I have likewise made a Sketch
for the same Building upon a more extensive Idea, in which
the Honble. Mr Howard has done me the favour to lend his
opinion and aid.
I have the honour to be
Sr. Your most obd. & most hum: Servt
Robt Brettingham< no role >
The Chairman of the
Quarter Sessions for the
County of Middlesex
It was moved by way of previous question
Vizt. "That the above question respecting the Appointment of
a Surveyor be now put and upon holding up of hands there
appeared for the previous Question 19 against it 8 where
upon the previous Question was declared to be carried in the
affirmative Before the Chief Question was put It was
moved by way of Amendment to insert in the original
motion after the word proceed the following words Vizt.
on the County day of the next Sessions by ballot; the
question upon this amendment being put there appeared
for the question 9 against it 14 whereupon it was declared
to be carried in the Negative
The original Question was now put when
there appeared for the Motion 15 against it 1 and thereupon
it was declared to be carried in the affirmative
Mr. Leroux ap-
-pointed Architect
to the House of
Correction & Surveyor
It was now moved that Mr Leroux be
appointed Architect to the House of Correction
and that the
same be directed by him as Surveyor thereof and the same
was agreed to.
By adjournment same day
A Report from the Committee appointed in
MaySession last To take into Consideration a Petition
from the Governour of the House of Correction at Clerkenwell
respecting his Salary and other matters concerning the