Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

12th January 1784 - 10th September 1789

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO556090026

Image 26 of 54223rd February 1784

February 1784

Session Vizt. To examine into the General Government of the
House of Correction at Clerkenwell "They have examined into
the Conduct of Mr Harwood Governour of the said House of
Correction as well before last Session as since That Mr.
Harwood before the last Session by his own Confession trusted
too much to his Servants that he did not do his Duty, that
he is most heartily sorry for his past Conduct and throws himself
very contritely on the Mercy of the Court and assures the
Gentlemen if they will be so indulgent to forgive the neglect
they shall never have cause again for Complaint That he
discharged Fletcher the Turnkey and Markwick his other
servant immediately after the Complaint made at the last Session
was taken into consideration by the Committee then appointed and
advertized for a Turnkey and other Servants

And it appears upon the information of several of His
Majestys Justices of the Peace for this County who have visited the
House of Correction frequently since the last Session That the Gaol
is now conducted by Mr Harwood with great regularity and attention
and that it is orderly perfectly clean and healthy.

That having also taken into consideration the circumstances
referred at the last Session respecting the Prison keepers detaining
prisoners for Fees The Committee found that several Persons have
been detained in the Prisons for their Fees some for one day and other
longer and that one while detained in New Prison remained in
Irons And it appearing to this Committee a great hardship that
a Person committed only on suspicion and who shall afterwards
upon further examination be discharged by the committing Justice
should be liable to the Payment of fees and more so to detained
after such discharge for the same Resolved that it be recommended
to the Court at the next Sessions to appoint a Committee to revise the
Tables of fees which have been formed for and delivered to the
Keeper of New Prison at Clerkenwell and the Governour of the
House of Correction there

All which the Committee Submit Etc Etc
Geo. Booth< no role > Chairman

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