February 1784
Order for Rescinding
part of an Order made
in July Session 1782 res-
pecting the giving leave
for public meetings to be
holden in the Session house"}
The Chairman having directed the following Order of Court
made in July 1782 to be Read Vizt. "Ordered that the House keeper do
"not permit any Public Meetings to be holden in the Session house with
"the leave of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace assembled in Open Session
"or of the Chairman of the Sessions between the Sessions and then only an
"the next Session after such Application to the Chairman and leave g
"by him" he represented to the Court that he had found Inconvenients
attending that part of the Order authorizing him to grant the use of
the Session House in the interval of the Session and therefore submitted
it to the Court whether that part of the Order Should not be recindea
Whereupon a Motion was made that so much of the said Order of
Court of July 1782 as follows Vizt. "Or of the Chairman of the Session
between the Sessions and then only until the next Session after such
Application to the Chairman and leave given by him" be rescind
and the same being Unanimously Agreed to It was Resolved
and Ordered accordingly
The Resolution of last
Session for the attendance
of the High Constables every
County day negatived}
The following Order made at the last Session Vizt. It
is Ordered that the several High Constables of this County do
attend the Court on the County day of every Session at the hour of Je
in the Forenoon "being now read for Confirmation A Motion was
made that the said Order be Confirmed which passing in the Negative
Resolution for the attence
of the High Constables
when they shall not have
bevied and paid the County
Confirmed at the
Subsequent Session}
A Motion was made that the several High Constables of this
County whenever they shall not have paid to the Treasure of the
County the several Sums of Money they may be required to levy
and pay for and towards a County Rate do attend the Court on the
County day of each Session till such Payment shall be made to
when cause why they do not levy and pay the same and the same
being Agreed to Unanimously It was Resolved that the said
Order be laid before the Court at the next Session for Confirmation
Vacancy of a Surveyor
or Supervisor under the
building Act for the district
St John and St James
by the death
Thomas Sutton< no role >
It appearing unto this Court that
Thomas Sutton< no role >
Supervisor of the Parishes of Saint John and Saint James Clerkenwell
in the said County appointed at the General Quarter Session of the Peace
holden in and for the said County in the Month of July 1774 by virtue