February 1784
Received and filed
A Motion was made that the said Report be received and
intered among the Proceedings of this Court which was agreed to
The Governor of the
House of Correction
A Motion was made that the Governour of the House
of Correction be now reprimanded for the neglect of duty to which
the above Report relates which being agreed to Mr Harwood Governor
of the House of Correction being called in he was reprimanded by Mr.
Chairman accordingly
Committee appointed
to revise the Tables of
Fees delivd. to the
Keepers of New Prison
and the House of
Correction at Clerkenwl.}
A Motion was made that a Committee be appointed to
revise the Tables of Fees which have been delivered to the Keeper
of New Prison
at Clerkenwell
and the Governour of the House of
Correction there which passing in the Affirmative Resolved that
Mr. Chairman The Reverend
George Booth< no role >
Bleamire< no role >
Jacob Leroux
Jeremiah Bentham< no role >
Edward Webster< no role >
Joseph Faikney< no role >
Jenkin Jones< no role >
and any other of His
Majestys Justices of the Peace who may please to attend or any
three of them be such Committee and that the said Committee do
meet at this Place on Saturday the 6th. day of March next at the house
of Twelve precisely and afterwards do adjourn to and meet at
such times and places as they shall think fit and that the said
Committee have power to call such Papers and Records as they
may find necessary.
Order for the printing
& distribution of an a
Order of Court for the
religious observance
of Good friday}
It is Ordered that 1250 Copies of the Order made at the
General Quarter Session of the Peace held for this County in the Month of
April 1777 for the decent and religious observance of Good Friday be
printed and properly distributed throughout this County.
Wm. Watherston< no role >
to serve the prisoners
with Bread}
It is Ordered that
William Watherston< no role >
be permitted to
serve the Prisoners in New Prison
at Clerkenwell
and the House
of Correction there with Bread until the County day of the now
next Session.
The Ground round the
Session house to be
Ordered that the Ground round the Session house belonging
to this County be inclosed by a temporary rail with a Board at the