January 1784
Sum of £1109..18..3 together with the £29..8..8 will fully pay and
satisfy the demands of the several Tradesmen employed by the said
Commissioners and Justices as aforesaid And the Commissioners
apprehend this cannot be considered as an Injury to the County as it
appears a larger Sum has already been paid by the Commissioners out of
the Building fund which ought to have been paid out of the County Rate.
And the said Commissioners beg leave to observe That being
in possession of 110 City Bonds for £100 each which they were obliged from
time to time to sell in order to satisfy the several Tradesmen employed
in erecting the said Session house as their Payments became due under
their Contracts the very great Loss occasioned thereby to the amount of
£1802..0..9 by the great Discount on the said Bonds is the reason
why the Commissioners are now under the necessity of distinguishing
particularly what Payments they conceive are not strictly payable out of
the fund allowed by the said Act for building the Session house Whereas
if the City Bounds had been sold at par as might reasonably have
been expected the said Bonds bearing 4 P Cent Interest the said
Commissioners would not only have been enabled to pay the said Sum
of £1139..6..11 out of the fund allowed as aforesaid but would have
had a Surplus of £662.13..9 which they would have paid in case
of the County Rate.
A Motion was made that It appearing to this Court
by the Representation of the Commissioners for building the New Session
That several Sums to the amount of £1200 and upwards have been
paid by the said Commissioners chiefly for Alterations and Accommodations
made in the said Session house by the desire of His Majestys Justices of
the Peace and for other matters not strictly Chargeable upon the fund
given for building the said Session house and that there is now due for
Work done partly by order of the said Commissioners previous to His Majestys
Justices of the Peace occupying the same and partly for Alterations and
Accommodations made by order of His Majestys Justices of the Peace