January 1784.
To Thomas Gilbert< no role >
for Bricklayers Work performed by
him in the erection of the Session house over and
above his Contract}£48..2s..6d
Mr John Collins< no role >
for Masons Work performed by
him as above}£40..15s..9d
Mr Joseph Wood< no role >
for Carpenters Work performed by
him as above}£157..6s..3d
Ditto for Plumbers Work performed by him as above£14..14s..11d
Mr John Tyson< no role >
for Slaters Work performed by him
as above}£10..16s..0d
Mr Joseph Wood< no role >
for Smiths Work performed by
him as above}£249..16s..10d
Mr. John Papworth< no role >
for Plaisterers Work performed
by him as above}£47..11s..1d
Mr William Thompson< no role >
for Painters
and Glaziers
Work performed by him as above}£32..1s..-
Ditto for the like under his Contract£5..-..-
Screen and Door in Court£153..-..-
Balance due to Mr. Rogers for Commission£80..2s..6d
The Commissioners for paving Etc the Parish of Saint
for Paving Etc the Scite of Hicks Hall
That in regard the said Commissioners having paid out of the fund
allowed by the said Act of Parliament for the purpose of building the said
Session house different Sums as before set forth to the Amount of £1426..16..10
which as they conceive ought not to have been paid out of that Fund but
are payable out of the County Rate under the Authority of the said Act or else
out of the Rents and Profits of the Estates belonging to this County in the
hands of His Majestys Justices of the Peace Therefore the said
Commissioners submit to the Consideration of the Court that as there is
only the Sum of £29..8..8 remaining in the Hands of the Treasurer
to pay the said Demand of £1139..6..11 Whether the Sum of £1109..18..3
ought not to be paid out of the County Rate or the County Estate Which