Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

12th January 1784 - 10th September 1789

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO556090014

Image 14 of 54212th January 1784

January 1734

Brought over£345..10..10

Plumbers Bills for Sundrys fitting up£10..-..-
Smiths Bill for Bath Stows Keys Etc£6..2..9

Painters and Glaziers Bill for making good broken
Glass and Painting Sundries in fitting up}£12..7..-

Screen and Door in front Court£153..-..1
Smiths Bill for Sundrys fitting up£66..1..6

Charles Depree< no role > for altering paving in Street to turn the
Current of Water from the Building}£16..4..3

Joseph Barron for Digging and Ballast to form the
Ground in front of the Sessions house}£22..17..6

Surveyors Commission on the above£31..12..0
Works damaged by the Frost£243..-..-
Commission on that Sum to Surveyor£12..3..-

Altering the Stone Stairs leading up to the Court which the
Justices disapproved of and ordered to be taken down
and enlarged}£52..18..4

Endeavouring to get an Act of Parliament to empower the
Justices to erect a New Session previous to the time of
obtaining the Act abovementioned}£289..8..2

On Account of repairing Hicks Hall£8..1..6

For Plans and Designs for the Rebuilding Hicks Hall as
also for a New Session house previous to the time last

For the Insurance of the Session house from Fire and the
Tax thereupon}£57..14..4

For a New Copper£2..2..4

And the said Commissioners do find that there is still
remaining due to the several Tradesmen partly for Work done under
the direction of the said Commissioners previous to the finishing the
Sessions house and partly for Work done by order of the Justices since
the completing the said Building by the Commissioners the several
Sums following Vizt.

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