January 1784
A Motion was now made that a Committee be appointed to
proceed further in the said Examination and to report what in their
opinion ought to be done in the Premises Which being Agreed to It is
Ordered that William Mainwaring< no role >
The Reverend
Sir George Booth< no role >
Sir Sampson Wright< no role >
Sir Robert Taylor< no role >
Samuel Glasse< no role >
Herbert Mayo< no role >
Doctors in Divinity
Edward Montague< no role >
William Bleamire< no role >
Robert Smith< no role >
Jacob Leroux< no role >
, Francis Willes< no role >
Thomas Bishop< no role >
, Thomas
Brooksbank< no role >
, Charles Sheppard< no role >
Thomas Collins< no role >
George Allcock< no role >
, Edward
Webster< no role >
Harry Harmood< no role >
David Wilmot< no role >
Humphry Jackson< no role >
Mercer< no role >
Nicholas Forster< no role >
Joseph Faikney< no role >
James Paine< no role >
Robert Butler< no role >
Edmund Pepys< no role >
Thomas Tryon Cotton, Thomas Cogan< no role >
James Croft< no role >
Richard Paul Joddrell< no role >
, John Wright< no role >
, David Walker< no role >
, William Gregson< no role >
Thomas Gilbert< no role >
Henry Holland< no role >
Jenkin Jones< no role >
Nathaniel Conant and
John Staples< no role >
being now here present and any other of His
Majestys Justices of the Peace
who may please to attend or any five of
them be such Committee and that they do meet at this place on Saturday
next the 17th. Instant at the hour of Eleven precisely.
It being represented to this Court that since the last Session
some of His Majestys Justices of the Peace for this County had during
the late severe Weather ordered that several of the poor Prisoners in New
Prison at Clerkenwell
and the House of Correction
there should be supplied
with Shoes and Stockings That a Bushel and an half of Coals should be
procured every day for the general use of the Prisoners in each of the said
Prisons and that Twelve Straw Mattresses and Twelve Coverlids on
should be procured for the use of the Sick in New Prison
by Mr Newport
the Keeper and that Twenty four like Mattresses and Coverlids should
be provided by Mr Harwood for the use of the Sick in Clerkenwell Bridewell
This Court highly approving the Premises do order that the respective
Keepers of the said Prisons do every day for fourteen days to come procure a
Bushel and an half of Coals for the use of their Prisoners and at the end of
the said fourteen days it is hereby referred to Mr Chairman The Reverend
George Booth< no role >
and Joseph Faikney< no role >
or two of them