Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

12th January 1784 - 10th September 1789

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO556090005

Image 5 of 54212th January 1784

January 1784


At the General Quarter Session of the Peace of our Lord the
King holden in and for the County of Middlesex at the Session
house for the said County on Monday in the Week next after the
least of the Epiphany to wit the twelfth day of January in the
Twenty fourth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the
third King of Great Britain Etc and from thence continued by
several Adjournments until this day to wit Thursday the Fifteenth
day of the same Month of January holden at the Session house
aforesaid Before William Mainwaring< no role > Esquire The Reverend
Sir George Booth< no role > Baronet Sir Sampson Wright< no role > Sir Robert Taylor< no role >
Knights , Herbert Mayo< no role > Samuel Glasse< no role > Doctors in Divinity
Edward Montague< no role > William Bleamire< no role > Robert Smith< no role > Jacob
Leroux Francis Willes< no role > Thomas Bishop< no role > Thomas Brooksbank< no role >
Charles Sheppard< no role > , Thomas Collins< no role > George Allcock< no role > , Edward
Webster. Harry Harmood< no role > , David Wilmot< no role > , Humphry Jackson< no role >
George Mercer< no role > , Nicholas Forster< no role > , Joseph Faikney< no role > , James
Paine, Robert Butler< no role > , Edmund Popys< no role > , Thomas Tryon Cotton
Thomas Cogan< no role > James Croft< no role > , Richard Paul< no role > Joddrell, John
Wright David< no role > Walker William Gregson Thomas Gilbert< no role > Henry
Holland Jenkin Jones< no role > Nathaniel Conant, John Staples< no role >
William Blackmore< no role > Joseph Gerdler Thomas Parker< no role > Joseph
Beete James Spagg, William Blackborow< no role > Esquires .

Order for the
Attendance of
the High Consta-
-ables on the County
day of every Sessn.}

It is Ordered that the several High Constables of this
County do attend the Court on the County day of every Session at the hour
of Ten in the forenoon And it is also Ordered that the several
High Constables of this County do attend the Court on the County day of
the next Session to be holden for this County at the hour of Ten in the

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