Salary in Lieu of Fees is fit and proper to be allowed and paid
to the Keeper of the [..] House of Correction at Clerkenwell
his Trouble Care and Expences in looking after and safely
keeping the Prisoners committed or to be committed to his
and for Management of the said Prison And also to
inspect the Bill of Mr. James Wilder< no role >
to his Majestys Justice
of the Peace of this County appointed to take Care of the
Distempered horned Cattle in this County, and to see what
Sum of Money is Due or fit and proper to be allowed him
upon his said Bill And to make their Report touching
the Premisses to the Court of the next General Quarter Sessions
of the Peace to be holden for the said County.
By Adjornment on Thursday ye. 14th. day of Septr.
Order for payment of several
Sums of Money by the
to the
Inspectors of the distempered
An Account being laid before this Court by the Inspectors
appointed to take Care of the distempered horned Cattle in this County
and to prevent the spreading of the Distemper, commencing from
the ninth Day of May 1752 to the twenty ninth Day of
August then< no role >
next following of Moneys by them alledged to be due to them for their
Service the total of which account amounts to the Sum of Sixty four
Pounds ten Shillings, which Account is as followeth.
To Joseph Walker< no role >
from the 9th. of May 1752 to
the 29th. of August 1752 being 16 Weeks at 20s a Week} £16:0s:0d.
To Do. for attending 4 days at Barnett in the
County of Hertford in order to prevent any Fair
being kept in such Part of Barnet as is in the
County of Middx on the 23d. 24th. 25th. & 26th. days
of August last at 5s. a day} £1:0s:0d
Which Sums amount together to the Sum of£17:0s:0d
To Edward Tomkins< no role >
the same£17:0s:0d
To Thomas Lane< no role >
the same£17:0s:0d
To John Jones< no role >
from the 9th. of May 1752 to the
29th of August 1752 being 16 Weeks at 10s a Week
£8 and for attending at Barnet as above 1hr
the said Sums amounting together to} £9:0s:0d
To John Westbrooke< no role >
from the 27th. of June
1752 to the 29th. of August 1752 being 9 Weeks at
10s. a Week} £4:10s:0d
And it appearing to this Court that the said Account hath been examined
into and that the same is a just Account, It is ordered by this Court that
Mr. John Higgs< no role >
of this County do pay the Sum of Seventeen
Pounds first abovementioned to the said Joseph Walker< no role >
in full of his
said Demand and that the said Treasurer do also pay to the said
Edward Tomkins< no role >
Thomas Lane< no role >
John Jones< no role >
and John Westbrooke< no role >