At the General Quarter Session of the Peace of our
Sovereign Lord< no role >
King begun & holden for the County of Middx
at Hicks Hall in St. John
in the County aforesaid on Monday in the Week next after the Feast of the
(To wit) the Thirteenth Day of January, in the Twenty fifth Year of
the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the second King of Great Britain Etc.
and from thence Continued by several Adjournments untill this Day (To wit)
the Sixteenth Day of the same Month of January in the Year aforesaid
and on the same Day holden by Adjornment at Hicks Hall
aforesaid in
and for the said County before
Thomas Lane< no role >
. the Right honble George
Earl of Kinnoull
John Milner< no role >
Henry Butler< no role >
Pacey Vigerus Edwards
Barwell Smith< no role >
Richard Ricards< no role >
John Goodchild< no role >
Thomas Jerris George
Errington George Garrett
William Withers< no role >
John Dekenoee
John Lawton< no role >
Walter Berry< no role >
and others their Fellows Justices of our said
Lord the King assigned to keep the Peace in the County aforesaid and
also to hear and determine divers Felonies Trespasses and other Misdeeds
Committed in the same County.
Order agt. Divers
of Wheellarrows
with Dice, Thrower
at Cocks Etc and
It being Represented unto this Court on this
Sixteenth Day of January instant that divers Loose Idle and disorderly
Persons being Drivers of Wheellarrows
with Dice, go about the
Streets LanesAlleys and open Places in Westminster
Division the Tower
Division Holborn Division Finsbury Division &
other Divisions in this County Inticing and Seduceing Servants
and other unmary Persons to throw and Play and Dice
with such Drivers of Wheellarrows who Cheat and defraud the
of their Moneys which this Court doth adjudge to be a Publick
Grievance,And it being further
Represented that several other Loose Idle and Disorderly Person
do in a Riotous Manner in open Defiance of the Lanes frequent
ly meet together and Throw at Cocks and other Fowle with
Great Sticks in the publick Streets and Places within the Division
aforesaid, whereby his Majestys Subjects passing and repassing
upon their Lanefull Occasions, are very much Incommoded and in
Danger of being Maimed in their Limbs or very much hurt by
Throwing the aforesaid Sticks and that such Streets and Places
are also infested with Gamesters of Various Kinds who use and
Excercise Unlawfull Play and Gaming, This Court upon
Consideration of the Premisses doth for the Suppressing such Disor
ders & Mischiefs as aforesaid, Order that the Respective High
Constables of the said Respective Divisions do summon & Take
to their Respective Assistances the Respective Petty Constables
and Headboroughs within their Respective Divisions aforesaid
whom this Court doth Require to aid and Assist the said Respec
tive High Constable therein)or so many of them
as the said High Constables respectively Shall think Sufficient
for this Purpose And at the said Respective High Constables &
such Petty Constables and Headboroughs as their Respective &
Assissants do Apprehend all and everysuch Drivers of Wheellarrows
with Dice Throwers at Cocks, and other Fowls and such other Pson or
Psons whom they Shall find offending in any of the & Pmsis above
mentioned and Carry them and Every of them go Offending