who is Treasurer of this County he having formerly
given Security by Bond to be Accountable for the Several Sums of
Money which shall be paid to him in pursuance of the said Act of
Parliament And for his payment of such Money as shall be ordered
to be paid by the Justices of the Peace
for this County in their General or
Quarter Session And in case the Church Wardens Chappel Wardens
and Overseers of Any Town Parish or place above mentioned or any
of them Shall neglect or refuse to pay the Sum of Money Assessed
thereupon in the said rate within Thirty days after Demand made as
aforesaid to the High Constable of the Hundred Division
or District
in which such Town parish of place so Assessed doth Lye is by said
Act of Parliament Impowered and he is hereby required to Levy the
Same by Distress and sale of the Goods and Chattles of such Church
Wardens Chappel Wardens or Overseers of the Poor or any of them so
refusing or Neglecting to pay the Same as aforesaid by Warrant under
the hands and Seals of two or more Justices of the Peace of the said
County residing in or near Such Parish or place rendring the Overplus
if any there be after deducting the Money Assessed and the Charges of the
Distress and Sale to the Owner or Owners thereof And the High Constables
Church Wardens Chappel Wardens and Overseers of the Poor in the said
County are not to Fail of performing the Matters and things above a
mentioned Enjoined them by this Order on pursuance of the said Act
of Parliament Under the Penalties mentioned in the said Act.
By the Court