12th of Sept. 1751
At the General Session of the Peace of Our Sovereign in Lord
the King holden for the County of Middx
at Hicks Hall
St. John Street
in the County aforesaid by Adjournmt. on
Thursday the Twelfth Day of September in the Twenty
fifth Year of the Reign of Our
Sovereign Lord< no role >
George the
Second King of Great Britain Etc.
Resolution concerning
the Licencing of Persons
to sell Beer and ale Etc.}
Resolved, and it is the Opinion of this County that the
Licensing of Persons to Sell Beer Ale and other Liquors
(not being distilled Spirituous Liquors) by Retail and the
Fees for Licences ought to continue and be paid in the same
manner as the same Usually have been within the several
Divisions of this County.
By Adjornment on Thursday the 12th. day of September 1751
Order for Continuing
& electing Thomas
Lane Esquire Chairman
of the Court}
His Majesty< no role >
's Justices of the Peace
for the County of Middx
Assembled at this present General Session of the Peace holden
for the said County do continue and elect
Thomas Lane< no role >
to be Chairman of the General Quarter and General Sessions
of the Peace to be holden for the same County between Michas
One thousand Seven hundred and fifty one and Lady day then
next ensueing.
By Adjournment On Thursday the 12th. day of September 1751.
Order appointing a
Committee concerning
Sr. Samuel Gower< no role > This name instance is in a workspace.
It is Ordered by this Court that it be and It is hereby recommended
and referred unto
his Majesty< no role >
's Justices of the Peace
of this County
hereinafter named (to wit)
Thomas Lane< no role >
Esquire the right
honourable George Earl of Kinneuall William Sharps Richard
Henry Butler< no role >
Charles Gould< no role >
Merry Teshmaker
Robert Tothill< no role >
Richard Ricards< no role >
George Errington< no role >
Edmund By< no role >
Thomas Jervis< no role >
George Garrot< no role >
Philip Dyot< no role >
Boulton Mainwaring< no role >
John Dekewer< no role >
Peter Elers< no role >
William Withers< no role >
John Goodchild< no role >
Samuel Bever< no role >
Francis Bedwell< no role >
William Caslon< no role >
Crosse and
John Lawton< no role >
and such other Justices of
the peace of the said County as will please to be present or any
Three or more of them as a Committe to meet together at