intent that the moneys due to the Said Mr. Bromley may
be paid to him, and his Said Bond divered up, where upon
It is Ordered by this Court that it be And It is hereby
recommended & referred to the aforesaid Committee (to wit)
Nathaniel Blackerby< no role >
Richard Brown< no role >
Robert Tothill Anthony
Chamberlain Richard Farwell William Hayton &
Richard Farmer< no role >
Esquires eleven of his Maties Justices
of the peace for the County or any three or more of them
to assemble & meet together at Hicks hall
aforesaid on
Thursday the twenty Sixth day of January Instant at
ten of the clock in the forenoon, and at Such other time as
they Shall think fit, if there be occasion So to do, And to
inspect the aforesaid Bill of disbursments of the Said Mr.
and a bill of one pound four Shillings & three
pence brought in by Richard Jupp< no role >
for Carpenter
's work
& other work done at Hicks hall
, and also to peruse the
aforesaid Bond and the Condition there of, And to consider
if the Said Bills or any and what part thereof are
reasonable and proper to be allowed, And to make their
Report in writing touching the premisses to the Court
of the next General Session of the peace to be holden for
this County, to the End that what Sum of money Shall
be found to be due to the Said Mr. Bromley may be paid to
him as Soon as there Shall be money in hand for that
purpose, And this Court doth Order that the Said Bond
be delivered up to the Said Mr. Bromley if the Said
Committee Shall think it proper & fit to be done.
By Adjornmt. on Thursday the 12th. day of January 1737
before Edwd. Barker< no role >
Alex Garrett< no role >
Nathl. Chandler John
Poulson Esqrs
. & others.
Order for appointing Mr.
John Field< no role >
high Constable
within the Hundred of
in the Stead
& place of Mr. John Rookes< no role >
Upon application made unto this Court by
John Rookes< no role >
Gent informing this Court that he was appointed high
within the Hundred of Edmonton in this
County in December Sessions one thousand Seven hundred
and thirty four, and did take his Oath for the due
execution of the Said Office, and therein hath Served for
the Space of three years & upwards, and hath paid all
the publick moneys reced by & due from him in respect
of his Said Office, And It was prayed by the Said John
Rookes that he may be discharged from his Said Office,
This Court being Satisfyed of the truth of the premisses
Doth appoint
John Field< no role >
of the Parish of Edmonton