Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

28th February 1734 - 14th April 1743

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO556010234

Image 234 of 56329th June 1738

March 2d 1733

A Scavengers Rate£0..6s..8d
A Poor's Rate for one year£1..10s..0d

Apr 2d 1735

A Poor's Rate£1..6s..8d

May 29th

One year's Watch£0..6s..0d

May 8 1736

A Poor's Rate£1..0s..0d

June 9th.

A Scavengers Rate£0..6s..8d
To the Watch£0..4s..0d
Total amount of taxes disallowed£5..0s..0d

July 3d. 1733

Mr. Robert Weston< no role > a Bricklayer 's Bill£0..2s..6d

March 14th. 1734

Another Bill of the Said Mr. Weston £0..19s..9d

June 11th. 1736

Part of a Bill of John Weetley< no role > Glazier of
£3..19s..6d being for glazing & cleaning the
windows} £2..9s..4d

John Lane< no role > Joiner £0..9s..2d
Total disallowed for repairs£4..0s..9d

Your Comittee further Report that it appears by the Said
Thomas Bromleys Bond that there is a Rent of £6s..8d. P
Ann payable from Christmas 1732 to the Trustees for the
County Rents during the time of his being Housekeeper,
but it does not appear whether the Same or what part
has been paid, and if it has not we are of opinion the
Same or So much as has not been paid Should be
deducted out of the Sum allowed as justly due to him,
We further Report that all the goods mentioned in the
Schedule annexed to the Said Bond Should be delivered
up to Some person or persons appointed by the Sessions
to receive the Same as also Such goods as had been
delivered to the custody of him the Said Thomas
Bromley after the execution of the Said Bond, And that
when this Shall appear to have been done the Said
Thomas Bromley< no role > 's Bond ought to be delivered up, All
which we Certifie this 29th. day of June 1738

Nat. Blackerby< no role > -Nico. Jeffreys< no role > -Richd Farwell< no role > -Non
upon reading the Said Report, And upon consideration
had thereof This Court doth approve of the Same, And
doth Order that the aforesaid Report be ratifyed &
confirmed, and the Same is hereby ratifyed & confirmed
accordingly, And It now appearing to this Court that

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