Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

28th February 1734 - 14th April 1743

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO556010205

Image 205 of 56313th October 1737

any and what part thereof is proper to be allowed and
distributed to any and what Officers or Servants belonging
to the Said House of Commons or other persons for their
trouble in attending the Committee of the Said House
on hearing the Said complaint, and to Order Such
allowance & distribution to be made to them respectively
as the Said Committee of his Maties Justices of the
peace [..] Shall think proper And also to Order & direct
a competant Number of the Reports made by the
Committee of the Said honble. House touching the Said
complaint, to be bought & distributed to the Justices
of the peace who have or Shall pay their contribution
money towards defraying the Said expence, And to
examine and See what money contributed on the
account aforesaid doth remain in the hands of the
Mr. John Higgs< no role > , And the Said Committee of his Maties
Justices of the peace is desired to appoint a proper person
to wait on these Gentl who have not contributed and
who the Committee Shall be of opinion ought to be
asked on this Occasion and that an Account of the
Names of the persons who have contributed as well
as those who refuse to contribute be laid before the
Court on the County day of the next Sessions, And
notice of the aforesaid Meetingof hisis to be given
to all the Justices of the peace above named.

By Adjournmt. on Thursday the 13th. day of October 1737

Order for adjourning the
ellection of a Chairman
of the Sessions}

It is Ordered by this Court that the Election of a
Chairman of the General and General Quarter
Sessions of the peace to be holden for this County of
Middx before Lady day next be adjourned untill the
County day of the next General Sessions of the peace
to be holden for the Said County.

By Adjornmt. on Thursday the 13th. day of October 1737
before Thos. Lane< no role > Robt. Hucks< no role > Wm. Booth< no role > Richd. Farmer< no role > Esqrs . &

Order for appointing Mr.
Wm. Knowlton high
Constable within the
Hundred of Edmonton in
the stead & place of Mr. Wm.

Upon the humble Petition of William Roberts< no role > high
Constable within the Hundred of Edmonton in this County
exhibited unto this Court Setting forth That he being appointed
one of the high Constables for the Said Hundred in May
Sessions One thousand Seven hundred and thirty four

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