"Endeavours, to assist the Magistrates therein, and for [..]
"Suppressing all Combinations and Confederacies, to Encourage
"Disobedience to the Said Law; and for Punishing all Attempts by
"Riots or otherwise to insult and abuse those those who give
"Informations and make Discoveries of the Offenders against
"the Said Act; and for putting in Execution the Act of Parliament
"made against Riots in the First year of the Reign of his
"late Majesty King George the First.
And after the Same had been read and Considered
the Said Justices Came to the following Resolutions, Nemine
That in Obedience to
His Majesty< no role >
's Comands in His Said
Proclamation and pursuant to the Directions and Recomendations
in the Said Letters The Said Justices will use their utmost Endeavours
to Carry into Execution the
ofActs of Parliament therein mentioned,
And for the better and more Effectual proceeding therein
That the Justices of the Peace
residing in the Several Divisions
of the County of Middlesex
do with all convenient Speed meet
together in their Divisions respectively, and Issue their Warrant
to the High Constables
of each Division to Send their Preceepts to
the Petty Constables
& other Officers of the peace
within their
respective Divisions requiring them to attend the Justices at the
times and places appointed for Such Meetings, then and there
to receive a Charge to put the Said Laws in Execution, And it
is recomended to the Justices in each Division to appoint a
certain number among themselves to meet each day in a
That it is the Opinion of the Justices present That one great
Cause of the Riots and Oppositions, to the Execution of the Laws
against Spirituous Liquors, arises from the Negligence or
Misbehaviour of many persons serving the Offices of High
, Constables, and Headboroughs, who are Dealers in
That it be recomended to the Justices of the peace
of this
County, that on all Informations laid before them at their
Houses, they do receive the Informations, and Issue their
Sumons for the Offender to appear before the Justices meeting in
their respective Divisions, and that the Justices; before whom
Such Informations were taken, do attend at Such Meetings.
That it be recomended to the Justices in their respective
Divisions to Appoint a Clerk to take the Minutes, and the Names
of the Justices present, and the Peace Officers whom they Shall Employ;
and to Enter fair in a book to be kept for that purpose; And that
Such Clerk do not take any Fee on Gratuity whatsoever, for or on
Account of any Information, Sumons, Warrant, Certificate or other
Proceedings whatsoever in Carrying into Execution the Laws
against Sprirtuous Liquors, from any person whatsoever Interested
in the Rewards payable upon Conviction.