P Adjorn Jovis 26 o. die Augusti 1725
Order thouching the
repairing of New Prison
Whereas by Order made by the last General Quarter Sessions of the
peace holden for this County by Adjournment on Thursday the
first day of July last It was recomended and referred unto
Thornhill< no role >
Isaac Tillard< no role >
John Fuller< no role >
Cotesworth< no role >
D' Oyly Michel< no role >
Richard Gifford< no role >
John Troughton< no role >
William Kingsford< no role >
Alexander Ward< no role >
Joseph Hayne< no role >
Robe< no role >
Justices of the peace
for this County or any three or more
of them as a Comittee to late a view of his Maties Goal called
New prison
at Clerkenwell
in this County, And see if any, and
what part or parts of the same were weak or out of repair, and if
[..] and what repairs were wanting and necessary to be done
thereto, and if any and what part or parts of the said Prison
ought to be strengthened or fortifyed for the safe custody of the
prisoners comitted to the said prison, and to late to their Assistance such
able Workman or Workmen as they shoud think fit, And if it should
appear to the said Comittee of Justices or any three of them that any
part or parts of the said prison were out of repair or want to be fortifyed
for the safe custody of the prisoners comitted to the said prison, Then
to make an estimate of the charge thereof, And to give an accompt in
writing to the Court of General or Quarter Sessions of the peace for this
County of their opinions and proceedings touching the premises
and of what Sume or Sumes of Mony should be necessary, if any,
for the repairing and Strengthening the said Prison, Now upon
reading the report of
William Colesworth< no role >
Thomas Robe< no role >
and John
Fuller Esqrs above named whereby they certify unto this Court that
they have taken a view of New prison
aforesaid, with the Assistance of
able Workmen, and examined the several places in the said prison
wanting to be repaired, and likewise taken an estimate of what it
will cost to make good, repair and amend the same, whis is
contained as therein and herein is after setforth, All which they
conceive ought to be done (Vizt.)
For Bricklayers Work.
A new Brick Wall smooth faced with Grey Stock< no role >
eighteen foot high without buttrices Seventy Six foot and
two bricks thick reduced to one brick and halfe thick
which makes Six rod and one hundred ninety two foot
of brick work at five pounds and ten Shillings P rod} £36: 12s: 0d:
Under pin the brick Wall of the Woman's Ward
thirty six foot long three foot high and two bricks
thick reduced to one brick and a halfe thick which mates
one hundred forty four feet of brick work at six pence
P foot} £3: 12s: 0d: