P Adjorn Lune undecinio die Octobris 1725
Order touching the
advancing of Moneys by
Sr. Henry Penrice< no role >
. Trear
for maimed Soldiers Etc on
account of repairing New
Whereas by Order made at the last General Sessions of the peace
holden for this County by Adjournment on Thursday the twenty
sixth day of August last the Comittee of his Maties Justices
of the peace for this County therein named or any three of them
were thereby desired to Order and direct his Maties Goal called
New prison
at Clerkenwell
in this County to be effectually repaired
by able and Sufficient Workmen in a Workman like and Substantial
maimer or according to the estimate and for the prices in the said
Order specifyed amounting in the whole to the Sume of forty
eight pounds thirteen shillings and Six pence And to late a
contract or contracts from the Workman or Workmen to be
employed therein for his or their due performance of the said
Work and repaires for the prices aforesaid And to superintend
and see that such Work and repaires were well and sufficiently
done and performed, And the Court their declared that Order
would be given for payment of the Moneys which should
become due to the Workman or Workmen for the doeing
thereof after it should be made appear to the Court that the
same were well and sufficiently done and performed, And It
was further Ordered that the expence of doeing the said work
and repaires or any Moneys to be advanced by way of loan
for defraying such expence should be paid and reimbursed
out of the Moneys raised or to be raised for repairing the house
of Correction at Clerkenwell
or other prison or prisons belonging
to this County, Now upon information given unto this Court by
some of the said Comittee that some progress hath been
made in doeing the said repaires, but that the same are not
yet finished, And It being alledged that the expence of doeing
the same ought not to be paid out of the Moneys raised or to be
raised for repairing the said house of Correction
or other
prisons belonging to this County, This Court on consideration
of the premises and to the intent that the Moneys which shall
become due to the Workmen for doeing the said repaires may be
paid them after the same shall be compleated, Doth order that Sr.
Henry Penrice< no role >
. Treasurer of the Moneys raised for relief of
Maimed Soldiers And Mariners within the Hundreds of
and Gore
in this County be and he is
hereby desired thereout to advance and pay the said Sume of