Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

22nd February 1725 - 19th January 1734

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO556000071

Image 71 of 69613th October 1725

St. Daniel Dolius< no role > Knt.
Reginald Marriott< no role >
John Troughton< no role >
Charles Floyer< no role > } Esqrs

And it is hereby recomended and referred unto John Milner< no role > This name instance is in set 4214. Esqr Sr.
Henry Penrice< no role > Knt . Sr. Isaac Tillard< no role > Knt Robert Thornhill< no role > Nicholas
< no role > John Ellis< no role > Richard Gifford< no role > William Wickham< no role > William
< no role > senr Thomas Robe< no role > Thomas Thayer< no role > John Mercer< no role > Thomas
Pindar Robert Tothill and Robert Jackson< no role > Esqrs Justices of the peace
for this County and to all other the Justices of the peace for the
same County who shall think fitt to be present or any three or
more of them as a Comittee to assemble and meet together at such
times and places as they shall think fit, And to inquire and inform
themselves by such ways and means as they shall think proper
of the Number both of licenced and unlicenced houses Shops
and places for selling Geneva and other Spirituous Liquors by
retail within the weekly Bills of Mortality and parts adjacent
in this County, And to inquire into the mischeifs occasioned by the
selling of Geneva and other Spirituous Liquors as aforesaid,
and for the better obtaining a discovery of what persons sell
Geneva and other Spirituous Liquors as aforesaid by retail in
any houses shops or places in the several parishes and
Hambletts within the weekly Bills of Mortality and parts
adjacent in this County the Justices of the peace are desired
(upon application to them for that purpose made) to transmitt
to the said Comittee an accompt in writing of the Number of
such houses shops and places and the true Christian Names and
Surnames (as far as they are able to inform themselves) of
such persons who sell Geneva or other Spirituous Liquors by retail
within their respective Divisions and of the Streets and places
[..] wherein their houses and Shops are situate To the intent that
such Representation may be drawn up or such further Directions
given touching the premises as the Court of the next Generall
Sessions or other ensuing Sessions of the peace for this County
shall think fitt, And all High and petty Constables are hereby
required to observe and perform such Orders precepts or directions
as shall be given by or the order of the Justices of the peace of
this County or any of them touching the premises, And the said
Comittee are desired to make use of all proper and legal powers
as they shall think proper for the more effectual proceeding
in the matters aforesaid.

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