matter for him, But that the said Mackeris instead of serving the
peticoner Sparkes or regarding his promises did make interest
and obtain the employment for himself telling the peticoner
Sparkes self interest guided all men, And doth (tho' a Man of
very good substance and Estate) continue to convey the Vagrant
by persons hired for that purpose, being above doeing the duty
himself, and doth receive from this County for his trouble
and expences the Salary of Sixty pounds P Annm, And that the
peticoner Sparkes by the Order of the High Constable
of Endfield
hath at his own costs and charges conveyed several Vagrants
and still doth keep a horse for that purpose and can perform
that service cheaper than the same is now done, And that the
peticoner Sparkes desirous and willing to maintain the great
charge of his Family by his labour and diligence, and verily
beleives he might have succeeded the said John Hewett< no role >
he not relyed on the said Mackeris promises of sollinting for
him, and the peticoner Sparkes therefore humbly prayed the
direction of the Court, and that the said Mackeris might be
debarred from acting, And that the Petitioner Sparkes might
be appointed by the Court to pass the said Vagrants, And the
matter of the said several peticons now comeing on to be
debated by this Court at this present General Sessions It is Ordered
by this Court that it be and it is hereby recomended and
referred unto his Maties Justices of the peace
for this County
residing within the Hundred of Edmonton
in the said County
to examine into and consider of the matters contained in the
said respective peticons, And to inquire and inform
themselves by such ways and means as they shall think
proper if the conveying of Vagrants in and thro' this County
can be contracted for at a less expence to this County than the
same is now done for, And to report their opinions in writing
touching the premisses unto the Court on the County day of
the next General Quarter Sessions of the peace to be holden for
this County.
P Adjorn Jovis 9 o. die Decembris 1725
Order concerning Nichas
Ludford petty< no role >
of Moneys for
sing of Vagrants
Nicholas Ludford< no role >
of the petty Constables of
in this County exhibited his humble peticon unto
the Court of the last General Quarter Sessions of the peace holden
for this County in the month of October last setting forth that
at Michas last there was due and oweing to the peticoner the