Contract of Fra:
Browne Carpenter< no role >
for keeping two
Campshotts near
Chertsea Bridge
in repaire untill
Michas 1731.}
20 o. July 1725
Memot. It is this twentieth day of July in the Year of our
Lord one thousand Seven hundred and twenty five concluden
and agreed upon by and between
Francis Browne< no role >
of the
parish of Laleham
in the County of Middx Carpenter
of the one part and Sr.
Isaac Tillard< no role >
. Sr
Daniel Dolins< no role >
James Clitherow< no role >
Stephen Hall< no role >
. Justices of
the peace for the said County for and on the behalf of
the Inhabitants of the said County of the other part as
followeth Vizt. The said
Francis Browne< no role >
for himself his
Execrs. and Admrs. doth Covenant and agree to & with
the said Sr.
Isaac Tillard< no role >
Daniel Dolins< no role >
Clitherow< no role >
Stephen Hall< no role >
their Execrs. and Admrs.
by these presents that he the said
Francis Browne< no role >
his Execrs. and Admrs. Shall and will at his and
their own Casts and Charges from Michas last
well and truely keep and maintain two Wharfes or
Camp Shotts near Chertsea Bridge
in this County
Vizt. one Campshott above the said Bridge formerly
erected to Secure the foot thereof and the other
Campshott below the said Bridge (which two wharfes
or Campshotts have been very lately repaired at the
Costs and Charges of the Inhabitants of the said
County) in good and Sufficient repair and find and
provide Materials for that purpose Yearly and
every year untill Michas one thousand Seven
hundred and thirty one, and then brave the Same
in good Sufficient repaires in Consideracon of the
Sume of two pounds P Ann. to be paid to the said
Francis Browne< no role >
his Execrs. or Admrs. in each of the
said yeares by order of the Justices of the Peace of
the said County in their General Quarter Sessions. In
witness whereof the said parties have hereunto sett
their hands and Seals the day Year first above
Sealed and delivered by the above
named Francis Brown< no role >
(being first
duty Stampt) in the presence of
William Couch< no role >
John Clark< no role >
Francis [mark] Browne< no role >