P Adjorn Martis Septinio die Decembris 1725.
Thos: Abney< no role >
, Esqr
Sr. Isaac Tillard< no role >
D: Dolins< no role >
} Lnts.
John Milner< no role > This name instance is in set 4214.
Nicholas Jeffreys< no role >
Tho: Thayer< no role >
-} Esqrs
Whereas the Trust reposed by the Laws of this Realm in
Grand Juries, is, and ought, in Reason and Justice, to be
reputed and deem'd a high Trust, and of great Moment and
Important to
his Majesty< no role >
and his Government, as well ask
his Majesty< no role >
's Subjects and Suitors attending the Courts of
General quarter and General Sessions of the peace: And
whereas strict Charge hath been frequently from time to
time given to the summoning Bailiffs of the Sheriff of this
County of Middlesex
, to summon able, sufficient, and
substantial persons fit to perform
his Majesty< no role >
's Service, and
discharge the duty incumbent on them as grand Jurymen,
to be upon the Grand Jury at the Sessions of peace for
the said County: Yet not withstanding the said Bailiffs
have contemptuously, and for the sale of corrupt Lucre,
wilfully neglected to summon a great many able,
sufficient, and substantial men, and in their Room and
place, have frequently summon'd persons of mean
Capacities and in low Circumstances, to be upon the Grand
Jury at the Sessions of peace holden for the said County:
And whereas for the more effectual remedying and
redressing of this growing Evil and corrupt practise, and
preventing the Mischiess and Dangerous Consequences
which, if continu'd, might happen thereby; It was by
an Order made at the General Sessions of the peace holden
for this County by Adjournment, on Saturday the
Fifteenth day of May, in the Eleventh Year of the Reign
of his present Majesty King George, Order'd, That the
Sheriff of the County
of Middlesex
for the time being,
should for the future, return to the Court of every General
Quarter and General Sessions of the peace to be thereafter
holden for the said County at the beginning of each
Sessions, upon the pannel of the Grand Jury, the true
Christian Names< no role >
, Surnames and Additions of able, honest,
skilful ad substantial men, fit to be Grand Furymen, to
enquire for our
Sovereign Lord< no role >
the King for the Body of
the said County, to the Intent that
his Majesty< no role >
's Service
might be the better done and performed; And in case any
person should thereafter be return'd upon the pannel of the