to wit.
The Examination of
Ann Exaus< no role >
a Singlewoman
[..] and Vagabond apprehended in the said City,
and brought before me one of
His Majesty< no role >
's Justices
of the Peace for the said City, Taken this 6th
Day of January 178 1
Who on h er Oath saith, that her late Father Joseph Evans< no role >
hath Informed her and which Information the verily believes
to be true that his lawful Place of Settlement was in the Parish
of Saint Mary at Hill
in theand
City of London
which he denied
hom his Father who Rented and lived in her House in the said
Parish for which [..] recy Rated to and did pay all Parechial
Taxes And this Examinant further saith that the hath not
in her own Right ever
obtained anysubsequence
Settlement to this Examinant's Knowledge or Belief.
Sworn the Day and Year
first above-written before me}
The Marke of
Ann Evans< no role >
Watkin Lewes< no role >