City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

26th June 1780 - 8th December 1781

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150920372

Image 372 of 38119th February 1781

Guildhall London Quarter
Sessions Monday 19th Febry 1781

The Parish of St. John Baptist Peterborough in the
County of Northampton Appellants
The Precinct of White Fryars London Respondents

Brief For the Respondents

On the Removal of Sarah< no role > the Widow of Daniel Jamblin< no role > & her Daughter Sarah< no role >
Aged about 12 Years.


Pauper on her Examination say'd she intermarried with a Daniel Jamblin< no role > abt.
19 Years since who gained his Settlement in the Appellants parish by Servitude As an
Apprentice to a Farrier that from the Period of his being out of his Apprenticeship to the
time of his leaving of her which was soon after the Birth of the Infant Sarah he continued
to follow his Business as a Journeyman & lived in Lodgings at Trisling Rents & he
never after Cohabited with her & that about 7 or 8 Years since she was informed he
was dead, Appellants say he is now living & gained a Settlement by carrying on his
Trade in the Parish of Saint George Hanover Square & they propose to produce the
Husband or otherwise sufficient Evidence of his gaining such Settlement

We are since informed he has gained a subsequent Settlement in a Parish in some
part of Hertfordshire by Renting of a House

You'l please to be careful that the Evidence on the behalf of the Appellants are
not Parishoners with them.

The Pauper Sarah will be produced on the part of the Appellants
and a Witness to prove that her Husband rented a House of £20
& Ann.

The Wife is their only Evidenceof [..] to prove the Marriage
& the other witness to prove the Identity of the Husband & of his
being aliveandthat he rentedthea House of 20th & Ann.

The Appellants say they endeavoured to produce the Husband
who they Say only lives abt. 25 Miles of now but we find they
Cannot produce him the Reason why we know not

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