14th June
21st Geo: 3d}
Elizth Lyon tried upon an Indictmt Crot
in April session agt her andann
Chambers in April Session for an Assault committed on ye 9th April
Susanna Clark< no role >
That upon the sd Trine Susanna Clark< no role >
on Sd
14th Ye JuneLevelas Guildhall
appeared as a Witness on
behalf of the Prosecution & tring duly sworn
did with an intent to person a Elizth Lyon to
he un herely convicted of the Assault swear & given
in Evidence to the Jurors as follows
Pro [..]
That she (Lyon) came into her House (Clarks
& knocked out her Tooth & that she (Clark) was not
out of her House & that Lyon went away after
she had shuck her & that nobody was there to see
it but Mr Crad dock & that she Clark never
accused Lyon of false sevearing till then & that Mr
Champer was not indicted on the 23d April 81, for
Clark she (Chamers) used her (Clark) ill
Ann Chambers< no role > This name instance is in set 393.
Sarah Stanford< no role >
her Apprenties}
Whereas in Tenth Elizth. Lyon did not come into the House
of Clark on the 19th. April & knock out any Tooth, & Clark
was out of her House on ye 19th. April & assaulted Lyon
& Lyon on Sd Day did not go away from the House of Clark
after she had sturch Clark & some person (to wit) Ann
Chambers was near the House of Clark on ye 19th April
at the time Clark pretended her Tooth was knocked out
by Lyon & Clark long time before she so gave her Evidence
on the Trial to wit 1st Janry acused Lyon of false swearing
Ann Chambers< no role >
was near the Sd House of Sasanna
Clark on Sd 19th. April at the time she pretended her
Tooth was knocked out by Lyon & Chambers was indicted
at the Sd Genl. Quarter Session on of Sd. 23d. April for assaulting