London Ss
The jonit and several Informations of
John Pummill< no role >
of Fashion Street Spittal Fields
in the County of Middlesex
Cabinet Maker< no role >
, and
Thomas Gardner< no role >
Harp alley< no role >
London Broker who being severally on Oath say as follows
and first this Informant John Purumill for himself saith
on Saturday last about five O'clock in the alternoon he
Elizabeth Griffiths< no role >
ofthe Prisoner now under
Examination take from the outside of the Shop of the
other Informant Gardner situate in Harp alley aforesaid
the Copper Turbot Pan and Cover now produced and
carry it along some Distance from the Shop, when he
this Informant stopp'd her and took the same from
his and this Informant
Thomas Gardner< no role >
himself saith that the said Pan and Cover an his
property and of the Value of fourteen Shillings
and upwards
Taken and Sworn at Guild hall
London 19 November 1781
before me}
Robert Pukhum< no role >
John Pammill< no role >
Thos Gardener< no role >